One of the ways that we work to leave our soil better than we found it - a tall order, since it is inherently prime agricultural land -- is by planting cover crops, sometimes also called 'green manures'. These are crops that grow in the fields when we don't have cash crops there, and while all are key soil builders, keeping the soil in place and adding organic matter when they are turned back in, some have specific jobs to do. In the early spring for the past few years, we have planted field peas on land that doesn't need to get planted into vegetables until late May or June. Peas are great nitrogen fixers, capturing nitrogen from the atmosphere and converting it to a form that is useable for crop plants that follow them; this means we can reduce the amount of fertilizer we apply to those crops when they do go into the ground. Peas also disappear quickly when we turn them into warm late-spring soil, so they are great early season green manures.
This year, on the recommendation of the wise farmers at Roxbury Farm, we tried an early season mix of peas, oats, and bell beans -- a kind of small fava bean -- before some of our fall broccoli and cauliflower. The beans and peas are both nitrogen fixers, and the oats, which come up quickly, are a 'nurse crop' grain, adding organic matter and bringing up minerals from the soil. We seeded this cover crop in April, turned it in with the tractor in mid-June, and planted the brassica crops in July. The result, with a little help from some alfalfa meal and kelp meal, is the beautiful blue-green field beyond the CSA shed -- the plants there are big and strong and healthy, despite being planted in the midst of the dry weather back in the middle of the summer. They are maturing quickly, each variety in its own time, the way we like them to, and are not succumbing to any of the many diseases or pests that can sometimes plague their family at this time of year. It's interesting to compare that field with the one behind the plum tomatoes, which also has broccoli and cauliflower in it, but following a cash crop of snap and snow peas rather than the cover crop mix. These were also planted about two weeks later, so they are smaller for a reason; we'll see what the final harvest and disease picture looks like, but the initial results of our highly unscientific experiment in cover crop management are positive.

If you walk around the farm at this time of year, you'll see it all: crops right at the peak of their growth, like the broccoli; crops that are finished, like the tomatoes; crops that have already been turned in, like the crops in our around-the-corner field just beyond the treeline. If you look carefully, you can see the delicate spears of the oats and the curly tops of the peas just coming up in the furrows where the disk harrow scratches them in. They are especially beautiful in the early morning when they carry a heavy blanket of dew. To me, the sight of these crops feels deeply right -- it means that we were able to get our crop out, get the weeds turned under (weeds, by the way, should not be underestimated as cover crops in their own right, although sometimes they can host pests or diseases that can have a negative effect on the following crop), and get the cover crop planted -- a 'thank-you' to the soil, and a way to help prepare the fields for the season to come.
Enjoy the harvest!
- Amanda, Andy, Erinn, Dan, Larisa and Lauren
Enjoy the harvest!
- Amanda, Andy, Erinn, Dan, Larisa and Lauren
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